Business & Government

PGP cryptography helps ensure confidentiality, integrity and/or authenticity.
To send confidential data encrypted to CARICERT use the following public key, available through all public PGP keyservers:

User ID:        CARICERT 2021 ** Encryption Only ** Key
Key ID:         0xC0626DA2
Key type:       RSA
Key size:       4096
Fingerprint:    CC85 0FA5 E7EF 54C4 5847 F229 5F69 EC14 C062 6DA2
Expires:        2023-04-22

CARICERT signs e-mails where integrity is essential. The secret key used by CARICERT for signing can be recognised by downloading the corresponding public key and inserting it into your keyring:

User ID:        CARICERT 2021 ** Signing Only ** Key
Key ID:         0x32C11484
Key type:       RSA
Key size:       4096
Fingerprint:    8254 7C6C 553A A258 2A36 C470 E107 5E34 4E46 
Expires:        2023-04-22


Note: this component is only available for the blocks: platinum